RESOURCE | Days of Significance Guidelines

RESOURCE | Days of Significance Guidelines

Many folks in your organization or community, just like at Tamarack, observe various ethnocultural, religious, faith, and spiritual dates celebrated globally. These dates often fall outside regulated statutory holidays, which may be specific to the Christian faith (e.g., Christmas) or a result of colonization (e.g., Thanksgiving).

Applying an anti-racist lens allows reflection on power differentials within organizations, while also embracing the diversity of our world. This guide was conceived to assist in holding organizations, supervisors, and event hosts accountable for respecting, recognizing, and accommodating ethnocultural, religious, faith, and spiritual needs of staff.

When planning events, meetings, and deadlines, efforts should be made to create an inclusive environment that centres and honours the voices of the community.

This is meant to be a living document and is by no means exhaustive; we are always open to feedback. 

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