This case study tells the story of the Greenway-Chaplin community centre in Cambridge, Ontario, and its role in promoting civic action, youth engagement, and local volunteerism in the community to which it caters.
Read on to learn more about the centre’s approach that puts residents at the centre of its programming, including three examples of programs that demonstrate this – a Youth Council, Neighbourhood Action Grants, and Community Events.
This resource is for people looking for inspiration as they work to get their community more involved at the neighbourhood and/or municipal level. In addition to offering lessons learned and next steps shared by centre’s organizers, the case study gives insight about how the centre moved from being a group of volunteers in the ‘80s to a form of viable social infrastructure funded by its program offerings.
Deepen Your Learning
Read more about Weaving the Community Fabric of Burlington, Ontario, in our case study about how Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) has been applied there.