CASE STUDY | Digby's Youth-led Initiative Creates a Space for Youth in Nova Scotia

Case Study | Digby's Youth-Led Initiative Creates a Space for Youth in Nova Scotia

Through our research with the Digby area community, which was done through Turning the Tide, we at Inspiring Communities recognized that the ability to connect socially builds stronger communities and is particularly important for youth.

Turning the Tide is a collective impact initiative of Inspiring Communities, a non-profit organization working to build collaborative relationships for social change in Atlantic Canada. Through Turning the Tide, Digby was selected as one of the communities in Canada to host a CBYF initiative. This happened at a point when the organization recognized that Digby youth felt particularly disconnected from their community.


Digby & Area Youth Space (DAYS) is a space created by youth for youth to foster connection and support. Led by Turning  the Tide's Community Building Youth Futures  project and located within the Digby Area Recreation Commission, the space opened on March 8, 2021, and offers programming and a hang-out space for youth.

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