CASE STUDY | A Place to Call Home: Cultivating Belonging in Housing Co-Operatives

CASE STUDY | A Place to Call Home: Cultivating Belonging in Housing Co-Operatives

This case study is written by Njoki Mbũrũ and Jorge Garza


With the growing sense of loneliness and polarization happening in communities and the decrease in civic engagement, belonging is critical towards building more just and caring futures. Through an asset-based community development (ABCD) lens and a collective impact framework, Tamarack designed a Community Development Program to engage with four housing co-operatives in strengthening their collaboration and community engagement skills to cultivate belonging and contribute towards building more vibrant communities.


This case study sheds light on the insights from this one-year program. Specifically, it introduces the cohort members, provides reflections on lessons learned, and identifies potential future directions for cohort members as part of Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada’s network (CHF Canada).  



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