Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice and Reconciliation Member Engagement
We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response and offered feedback on the equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, and reconciliation (EDIJR) Request for Proposal which closed on February 28, 2023. We received 25 submissions for which our team is currently finalizing a review and will be scheduling follow-up meetings with our shortlisted submissions over the next two weeks.
In 2020, Tamarack made a public commitment to engage in a learning journey to build an integrated strategy for the organization which profiles our shared commitment to EDIJR.
Sign up below for one of our two upcoming opportunities for members of the Tamarack community to participate in this journey with us. We know we can be doing more to engage with, connect to and amplify equity-deserving voices – including those who identify as Black, Indigenous and racialized – in our learning network, we want to do better, and this is where we start.
EDIJR Audit – Membership Input
In Spring 2023 we will be starting an organizational EDIJR audit process. As a starting place, we want to invite you, a member of the Tamarack community, to share your perspectives, your experiences, our missed opportunities and what we can do to continually improve our work.
As part of the scope of our EDIJR Audit we have asked that members of the Tamarack community are included in the engagement phase of the process to establish a baseline for our journey. If you are interested in being interviewed or participating in a focus group, please fill out the form provided. An opportunity to complete a survey will be distributed at a future date.
Join our Community of Practice for Black, Indigenous and Racialized Members
We are also creating space for a community of practice led for and by Black, Indigenous and racialized members in our learning network. Exploratory themes and topics which can be addressed in this space may include:
Building community and solidarity
Frameworks and toolkits – the good, the bad, the ugly
Handling and healing from harm
Identifying and offering resources, support and legitimacy to our collective work
Celebration and joy of our collective successes
If you identify as Black, Indigenous or racialized and would like to join this community, please use the form provided below to indicate your interest.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. Your input allows us to operationalize our commitment to deepen and sustain our EDIJR efforts including taking action to actively address systemic racism and discrimination.