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Lonely? Seeking Community? There’s an App for that!

Written by Sylvia Cheuy | November 11, 2016

Interestingly, in an age where social networking and abundant “virtual” connectivity is at our fingertips, it seems that people, especially the elderly, are lonelier than ever before. Truly, the negative effects of loneliness have many consequences- including poor health:

“Social pain is as real a sensation for us as physical pain, and research has shown loneliness impacts on health in a greater way than smoking or obesity” says Dr. Rebecca Harris (originally published in The loneliness epidemic: We're more connected than ever - but are we feeling more alone?) 

So here is a question for you: Can we harness the technology that is separating us to actually connect with the real people in the real world? Or, to put it another way, can we actually use the master’s tools to dismantle the masters house?

To start thinking about what technology can do for making important connections with our neighbours: please check out this incredible website called

Next, there are some apps designed to do this very thing. Consider how you can reach out and connect using technology for creating and nurturing community in innovative ways. Here is a small selection of apps that can be used to reach out to others in a variety of ways: 


WeGoDo connects it’s members to nearby people interested in the same hobbies and activities as they are. Search for people with like interests using the app categories like “Urban Exploring,” “Mountain Biking” or even, simply, “Dogs.”

What distinguishes this meetup service from other, similar ones is the social media-like experience it offers. People can also post photos and comments about the things they’ve done, the things they want to do or anything else. WeGoDo also includes a news feed of local deals, curated content and recommendations. Think of WeGoDo as Facebook with a purpose.


You can use the internet to make friends in the real world on this site. is a word-of-mouth effort to bring people together from all over for fun, low-key events without paying membership fees- It is run by volunteers who believe in providing this service!


The objective of a meet up is to get together to learn, do, or share something. The MeetUp site really focusses on the idea that neighbourhoods, communities- really anyone- can create a group and organize events. Anyone can also just join an interesting group in their area and participate- there are some fun ideas to inspire participation on the main page:

  • Train for a marathon
  • Build a mobile app
  • Write a play
  • Hike a mountain or,
  • Practice a language.

This app represents a fantastic place to connect with community, get involved and find friendship.

Do you have something that works for you? Or an inspiring story of technology has deepened community in your life? I encourage you to share any of these stories with us by emailing