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Leadership Training for Effective Partnerships

Written by Jocelyne Daw | October 31, 2017

Partnerships and collective impact initiatives are multiplying in Canada, as cross-sectorial collaborators come together to positively advance impact on complex social issues.  Partnerships offer the potential for outcomes bigger than any one organization could achieve on their own. Done well, such collaborations enable innovation, create greater value and strengthen commitments from a broader range of people, perspectives and organizations. But success is not always guaranteed.  Like anything that delivers great results, collaboration takes hard work, flexibility AND courage. The people involved in making partnerships happen are key to partnering success.  How do they build knowledge and skills and possess the tools and insights to deliver positive partnering results?

The Partnership Brokers Association is a global non-profit organization that offers training programs on leading and building effective partnerships.   This highly sought after course will be offered in Toronto February 5-8, 2018.  The course provides those working in partnerships with in-depth development to improve and scale multi-stakeholder partnerships and non-traditional collaborations.  Participants will receive:  tools techniques and skills development, frameworks and common principles to addresss and overcome barriers.

The course can be used immediately for professional development and real-time partnership building.  When partners attend together, they build a common language and framework while developing strategies for the design, management and review of their partnership.   This intensive program is limited to 24 participants with two facilitators to maximize potential for exchange, reflection and personal attention to individual leadership.

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