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Community Engagement with the Virtual Peer Input Process

Written by the Tamarack Institute | April 21, 2020

Are you struggling to make a breakthrough on an idea or new project? You can crowdsource the wisdom of your team using the Virtual Peer Input Process.

We know that many of you are spending a lot of time on zoom or other virtual platforms to connect as you work from home. The Virtual Peer Input Process is a great way to focus a team’s discussion to make progress on an idea, practice or challenge you and your work or community team are facing. There are three important roles in the Peer Input Process: the process facilitator; the person presenting a question or opportunity; and a peer group willing to respond and share their wisdom. A focused Virtual Peer Input Process can be done in less than 1 hour. It can be fun and engaging. We have found that everyone has something to contribute and the conversation can be used to jumpstart a change process or solve a dilemma.

Why don’t you try the Virtual Peer Input Process at your next team or community partners meeting? Let us know how it worked.

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