_2019 Engaging Underrepresented Youth

Engaging Underrepresented Youth  


Engaging underrepresented youth can be a challenge to youth serving organizations working across different programs in the community. This series of four webinars highlights how a collective impact approach can be used to improve community outcomes for underrepresented youth. In each of the 20 to 30 minute webinars, listeners will be introduced to a core conditions found in the collective impact framework. Each webinar will describe examples from across Canada and the US in engaging underrepresented youth. Finally, participants will learn about two or three tools designed to make your collective impact approach easier.

This webinar series is sponsored by Employment and Social Development Canada - Learning Branch, and the Tamarack Institute. 

  • SVP, trouvez les versions de webinaire en français ici


Engaging Underrepresented Youth 1Webinar 1: Scoping A Common Agenda

In our first webinar we look at how to scope and build a common agenda to lay the foundation for an effective Collective Impact initiative. 

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Watch Webinar #1

Engaging Underrepresented Youth 2Webinar 2: Building Toward Success Through Shared Measurement

In our second webinar, we look at the importance of shared measurement on the process and outcome of Collective Impact initiatives, and a variety of tools to support your activities.

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Engaging Underrepresented Youth 3Webinar 3: Engaging Partners Through Mutually Reinforcing Activities

In our third webinar, we look at how mutually reinforcing activities are central to the success of any Collective Impact initiative, and provide a set of tools to help you design them. 

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Watch Webinar #3

Engaging Underrepresented Youth 4Lesson 4: Getting the Work Done

In our final webinar, we look at the last two conditions of Collective Impact - Continuous Communication and the role of the Backbone - and go through a set of helpful tools for each.

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Watch Webinar #4


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