
RESOURCE | Tamarack 2030 Plan on a Page

Written by Tamarack Institute | Jun 28, 2022 3:23:49 PM

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This Plan on a Page provides an overview of the document titled Tamarack 2030: A Strategic Vision for our Future.

The strategic vision document communicates a “north star” for the Tamarack Institute as it tries to fulfill its vision and mission to build capacity for community and systems change. This vision was shaped by engaging over 100 members of the Tamarack community, including board members, staff members and other collaborators in our network.

As a summary document, the Plan on a Page highlights three main areas:

  1. Our vision, mission and principles

  2. Our rationale for working at the scale of communities

  3. Our strategic priorities

As a Plan on a Page, it is meant to communicate our direction and goals in a concise, easy-to-read manner.


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