
WEBINAR | The Evaluation of Montréal en commun: Collaborating to Generate Learning in an Urban Innovation Context

Written by Tamarack Institute | Nov 11, 2023 9:33:45 PM

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Montréal en commun is an urban innovation community that aims to experiment with mobility and food solutions to meet the needs of local populations and accelerate the city’s socioecological transition. Since March 2021, TIESS (Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire) and Dynamo have been involved in the evaluation of this program. 

This webinar recording features a conversation with Carmen Gabriel-Chouinard from Dynamo, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu from TIESS and Maxime Thibault-Vézina from the Urban Innovation Laboratory of the City of Montreal, who shared their discoveries and learnings through this innovative evaluation process. 

For an overview of topics and questions discussed during the conversation, please see the description posted under the video on YouTube, found by clicking "View the Recording."




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