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WEBINAR | Social Patches: The Art of Reweaving our Relational Fabric

Written by Vibrant Communities | September 30, 2019

The pressures of life today and the tools designed to help us efficiently handle our complex world are taking us out of community. With less face-to-face time with each other, our overall well-being is declining and social isolation and loneliness are on the rise.

In this webinar, Milton Friesen, from Cardus, walked us through a brief history of loneliness and the research that has been done in this area. He introduced us to artists and authors who are illuminating the complexity of social isolation and loneliness. He also challenged us to think about who might benefit from the fraying of our social relationships, how systems might be driving loneliness, and most importantly, what role can we play in reversing the trend towards loneliness.


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