Case Studies

CASE STUDY | Centering Equity and Place-Based Approaches in Systemic Transformation

Written by Tamarack Institute | Jul 5, 2023 9:19:30 PM

In this paper, we explore what equity means in place-based change and systems transformation. We consider it as one of the most important principles of place-based practice and whilst we practice it differently in the communities we work with as the examples will show, we all see it as both a foundational value and core methodology that needs to be widely adopted by practitioners. 

Working in place provides a centre of focus and experimentation to imagine, prototype, and implement at a scale which can be agile and adaptive. Equity ensures that those most impacted by the systems in need of transformation are centred and honoured.

Explore what equity means in place-based change and systems transformation with this new paper/publication/resource, co-produced by the CEOs of four organizations each supporting place-based transformation in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK.

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